Having teenagers living in your home is an experience, to say the least. They are often impulsive, unpredictable, and see themselves as invincible, which is probably why they worry us so much. But once they get behind the wheel, those qualities that make them simply worrisome can make them outright dangerous.
The Bad News: According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), car accidents are the leading cause of deaths for teens, accounting for 35% of all fatalities.
The NHTSA attributes the following factors to teen-related crashes:
- inexperience/immaturity
- speed
- alcohol
- not wearing seat belts
- distracted driving
- drowsy driving
- nighttime driving
The Good News: Teenagers can be excellent drivers, they just need a little guidance. You can help your teens become safe and responsible drivers. The Department of Motor Vehicles offers these safe driving tips for teenage drivers:
- turn cell phones OFF (no talking/no texting)
- use headlights to increase visibility
- obey speed limit
- minimize distractions
- no other teen passengers in vehicle
- practice defensive driving
- choose a safe vehicle (anti-lock brakes, air bags)
The team at Highway Tire Service & Collision want you and your family to be safe when you’re out on the road. Drive safe!